Coaching is offered through Zoom (video chat). I lock the meeting after you log on to prevent what is called “Zoombombing” where unauthorized individuals join the meeting. This helps increase the privacy of your coaching session.
My coaching largely focuses on topics such as Academics and Work-Life Balance.
Academic Coaching
Having worked full-time while pursuing my PhD, I know how hard it is to create and reach academic goals. Academic Coaching can help with:
- Creating reasonable goals that move you toward completion of your degree
- Providing accountability for meeting your educational goals in a timely manner
- Brainstorming when barriers to goal completion appear
- Giving support when motivation is low
I can assist with coaching for Dissertations, Theses, Coursework, Research Projects and more.
Work-Life Balance
Finding time for work, family, school, and a social life can be very hard. Keeping on top of your health at the same time can seem almost impossible! Work-Life Balance Coaching can help you with:
- Deciding what is most important to you, and how to make time for it
- Implementing self-care (ie., you cannot pour from an empty cup!)
- Knowing when good enough is enough
- Time management
- Structures and routines for success
To schedule an Academic Coaching or Work-Life Balance Coaching appointment, please email me at